CDESK Desktop-Anwendung – Nützlich für CDESK GOLD-Benutzer


We would like to highlight some useful features that can be of benefit also to users with a GOLD license, i.e. users who have unlimited access to the web interface.

Spreadsheet Editing as in Excel (CDESK GOLD License Required)

Spreadsheet editing allows you to move and edit items as in Excel. The spreadsheet editing feature is supported for almost every module.

You may encounter modal windows also in spreadsheet editing, as the cell format requires it. This is the case when the cell contains HTML content and the table itself displays the strings as plain text. To ensure that the HTML formatting is not lost during input and editing, an auxiliary modal window is displayed.

Tabuľková editácia - Modálne okno - Úprava textu 1
Figure: Spreadsheet Editing – Modal Window – Text Editing 1

Use the ENTER button to enter the item you want to edit. Use the ESC key to exit the item. Use the „Save“ button to save the edited text. The F2 keyboard shortcut also allows you to enter a description in spreadsheet editing.

Use arrow keys to move horizontally and vertically by individual cells in the item. In the selected cell you want to edit, start typing and the text will be added directly. The similarity of spreadsheet editing can be compared to Excel. If there is already a similar value in the column, the repeating content will appear in parallel when typing using spreadsheet editing.

Tabuľková editácia
Figure: Spreadsheet editing

Flexible Filter Over Each Column and Saving Set Filter

Another advantage offered by the CDESK Desktop Application is filtering in any column. Just click on the column name and the filtering conditions are displayed.

Filtrovanie v konkrétnom stĺpci
Figure: Filter in a specific column


The filters set over the columns have an „AND“ relationship in between then.  You can combine „AND“ and „OR“ within a single column.

AND, OR filter
Figure: AND, OR filter


The quick filter settings can be saved under a button and thus quickly applied in the future. The button is created via the funnel icon with the ‚+‘ sign in the upper right part.

Vytvorenie nového filtru
Figure: Creating a new filter

Instant Search for Data in the Top Search Box at the Same Time as Typing

Records can also be searched using the top search box. Results are instantly displayed as you type.

Vrchné vyhľadávacie pole
Figure: Top search box


In the top search box, it is possible to search even if other filters are enabled elsewhere (left panel, quick filter above columns). To do this, use the toggle at the end of the top search box: turn it off to search for the entered text in all available records.

Vrchné vyhľadávacie pole – prepínanie rozsahu vyhľadávania
Figure: Top search box – toggling the search range

You can also control the range of the fields the top search box will search in. Set the search range via the hamburger menu at the end of the top search box.

Vrchné vyhľadávacie pole – zoznam stĺpcov, v ktorých sa vyhľadáva
Figure: Top search box – list of columns to search

Right Panel with Record Preview and Editing

When you click on an item in any module, the right panel displays the contents of the selected item from the record. Individual actions are described below.

Pravý panel požiadavky
Figure: Right panel of the request

The right panel allows you to view the request in multiple levels.

Pravý panel požiadavky 2
Figure: Right panel of the request 2

Quick Functions on the Narrow Right Panel with Buttons

Through the right panel you can choose between quick shortcuts such as rolling out the request in two levels and then scaling it down:

Pravý panel požiadavky – zobrazenia panela
Figure: Right panel of the request – panel views

In addition to the functions mentioned below, the right panel allows you to directly open the modal window.

Pravý panel – modálne okno
Figure: Right panel – modal window

The following items are synchronization, save, add discussion post, post for assignees, complete, add fulfillment, add task, add work order, related requests, and attachments.


Discussion in the Request

The right panel of the request allows quicker access to the discussion using a button or tab. The right panel also contains a function to open a modal window with discussion.

Pridať diskusiu pomocou pravého panela v požiadavkách
Figure: Add a discussion using the right panel in the requests
Záložky diskusie v pravom panely požiadaviek
Figure: Discussion tab in the right panel of the requests


The discussion can also be opened in a modal window directly via the right panel.

Modrá ikona v diskusii na otvorenie modálneho okna
Figure: Blue icon in the discussion to open the modal window


New Ways to Add Records

There are several new ways of adding records in the CDESK Desktop Application compared to the web interface. There is row adding, which is particularly suitable for the CMDB configuration database of objects, Fulfillments, Tasks. For adding with data repetition, the row adding method with the transfer of data from the filter can help you. Adding via the right panel is simplifying. The closest to the web interface is adding via a modal window. The different methods of adding from the web interface are described in the following text.

  1. Add via right panel
  2. Add via new row directly in the list
  3. Add via new row using filter
  4. Add via new tab
  5. Add via modal window
Add via Right Panel

If you choose „Add via right panel“, the right panel is opened and you can add e.g. a task.

Pridať cez pravý panel – Úloha
Figure: Add via right panel – Task

After selecting „Add via the right panel“, the panel will be rolled out in the first level. Using arrows located below the „X“ icon used to exit the window, the panel level can be scaled up and down as needed. This is followed by the „Open in modal window“, „Synchronize“, „Save“ and „Delete“ buttons.

Ukážka - Pravý panel – Úloha
Figure: Example – Right panel – Task
Add via New Row Directly in the List

Among one of the most useful features that CDESK Desktop Application offers is the „Add via new row“. With this feature, you don’t need to open any additional windows and simply add and type information exactly where you need it, which saves you time and work.

Pridať cez nový riadok – Plnenie
Figure: Add via new row – Fulfillment

When you add a new row, the sync box appears right at the beginning of it. We explain more about synchronization in further tips. We are still in the spreadsheet editing, where you can just start typing right away. Even though it is a new row first in the order, it is automatically pre-filled when you type text that already exists in that column.

Pridať cez nový riadok - Plnenie - Nový riadok
Obrázok: Add via new row – Fulfillment – New row


Add via New Row Using Filter

If you have selected the type in the left filter, just click on „Add via new row using filter“ after setting the window and rows will be added to which you just need to add the necessary information. The best use of this feature is if you enter objects in the CMDB into a configuration database with a certain equal value.

Pridať cez nový riadok s použitím filtra – Objekty konfiguračnej databázy
Figure: Add via new row using filter – Configuration database objects


The row that appears after adding can be filled in by typing directly as in the case of the „Add via new row“ option.

Pridať cez nový riadok s použitím filtra - Objekty konfiguračnej databázy - Nový riadok
Figure: Add via a new row using filter – Configuration database objects – New row

The button is at your disposal non-stop and you can set it according to your own needs. It helps you work faster and more efficiently.

Optional Column Anchoring

Anchoring columns may resemble Excel. One way to anchor a column is by direct right-clicking on it. You can change the anchoring of columns at any time as you wish.

Ukotvenie stĺpca pomocou "Ukotviť po tento stĺpec"
Figure: Anchoring a column using „Anchor up to this column“
Ukotvenie stĺpca pomocou "Ukotviť po tento stĺpec" 2
Figure: Anchoring a column using „Freeze column“ 2
Ukotvenie stĺpca pomocou "Ukotviť po tento stĺpec" 3
Figure: Anchoring a column using „Anchor up to this column“ 3

As an additional option for anchoring columns in the CDESK Desktop Application, this feature is available with a prompt possibility to customize the number of anchored columns in the left panel. The setting makes environment more pleasant and easier to work in.

Voľné ukotvenie stĺpcov
Figure: Loose anchorage of columns
Ukotvenie stĺpcov-nastavenia
Figure: Anchoring columns – settings
Ukotvenie stĺpcov 2
Figure: Anchoring columns 2

Quick Navigation in Requests Using Filters in the Left Panel

Use filters in the left panel of requests to switch as in ‚folders‘. We have selected default filters for you that you are likely to use the most. They cannot be changed. For your own filter setup, we recommend you creating your own filters.

Požiadavky - Ľavý panel filtrovania
Figure: Requests – Left filter panel